Gatekeeper version 1.3 of 12-Nov-93 by Chris Johnson (c)1988-1993 "Gatekeeper Mailing List" This list is intended to bring information regarding the Gatekeeper Anti- Virus System for Macintosh to interested parties in a timely fashion. Traffic will be extremely low, consisting almost exclusively of update notices. Note: this list is moderated and is *not* intended to provide a forum for discussion. (After all, we have the comp.sys.mac news hierarchy for that already.) How To Subscribe ---------------- In order to subscribe to this list, send email to: The subject line of the message is ignored; simply place the command: subscribe gatekeeper-news in the *first* line of the body of your message. Then send the message. Everything will happen automatically from there. You will receive an automated reply from the list server confirming your subscription and providing details on unsubscribing, etc.